From Ewe to You

Monday, August 30, 2004
Carding my dyed wool
I worked on carding yesterday, finishing up some wool that I had dyed sky blue. Very lovely and I have lots of it, so do be sure to ask about it if you are interested in roving. My rovings are cloud soft and just "dyeing" to be spun!
In fact, you must simply be prepared to keep them under lock and key and away from your spinning wheel or spindle because I guarantee that your wheel and spindle will grab up the roving and spin it up before you have the opportunity to do so yourself!
Or perhaps it is gnomes or fairies that come in and do the spinning. I'm not sure, but such will happen and you will have lost out on all the fun and delight of spinning the roving yourself.
Still, I've never had the gnomes or fairies actually knit with the yarn yet so at least you would be able to enjoy the yarn even if you didn't get to spin it.
Remember the dye pot results from a few days ago? Well, the one that was navy blue, shades of blue, touch of blue-green, purple, maroon with a bit of dark pink has been carded and it is absolutely beautiful!
My husband calls it "purple majesty", but I think it more closely resembles "peacock feathers" and it was such a delight to card. So soft and silky! I did end up adding a touch of firestar to it and I will take a photo later.
In fact, you must simply be prepared to keep them under lock and key and away from your spinning wheel or spindle because I guarantee that your wheel and spindle will grab up the roving and spin it up before you have the opportunity to do so yourself!
Or perhaps it is gnomes or fairies that come in and do the spinning. I'm not sure, but such will happen and you will have lost out on all the fun and delight of spinning the roving yourself.
Still, I've never had the gnomes or fairies actually knit with the yarn yet so at least you would be able to enjoy the yarn even if you didn't get to spin it.
Remember the dye pot results from a few days ago? Well, the one that was navy blue, shades of blue, touch of blue-green, purple, maroon with a bit of dark pink has been carded and it is absolutely beautiful!
My husband calls it "purple majesty", but I think it more closely resembles "peacock feathers" and it was such a delight to card. So soft and silky! I did end up adding a touch of firestar to it and I will take a photo later.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Mary L. and Bo

Bumble's Christmas Socks

After I finished knitting these socks, it was obvious that I had chosen holiday colors even if the colors are of a more traditional shade and not the bright red and green we think of as Christmas colors today. The colors are more a mulberry and a forest green shade.
These by the way are knitted on my antique circular sock knitting machine who insists on calling himself, Jacques. I don't argue with him.

What is a "Bumble"?
I really need to point out so that anyone reading my blog will understand that when I refer to "Bumble" I am, of course, referring to myself.
Bumble is a nickname bestowed upon me by a very dear friend of mine and it refers to my ability to "bumble" my way through things--everything from day to day life as well as running a list on Yahoo.
Feel free to refer to me as Mary L. or Bumble as I will answer to either.
Bumble is a nickname bestowed upon me by a very dear friend of mine and it refers to my ability to "bumble" my way through things--everything from day to day life as well as running a list on Yahoo.
Feel free to refer to me as Mary L. or Bumble as I will answer to either.
Bumble's knitted "Hippie Vest"
Prior to my surgery last week, I went on a search for a knitted vest pattern like the one I knitted many many years ago. I searched high and low, and finally, with the assistance of a dear lady on one of my many lists I had a pattern to work with!
I would have loved to have knitted this in a "tie dye" pattern, rather appropriate I would think, but I knew I would not be in a state of mind to do so what with pain meds and all.
Instead, I decided to knit this with balls of scrap yarn left over from other projects. The yarn is acrylic as I often use "store bought" yarn to do a pattern the first time and later will use my hand spun if I really liked the pattern.
I love my vest! The many many colors are wonderful although I did find it rather tedious to have to weave in so many different ends because of the small balls of yarn I had used to knit with.
Today I will stitch the shoulders and take a photo of my vest so that you can see the results.
Let me know what you think!
I would have loved to have knitted this in a "tie dye" pattern, rather appropriate I would think, but I knew I would not be in a state of mind to do so what with pain meds and all.
Instead, I decided to knit this with balls of scrap yarn left over from other projects. The yarn is acrylic as I often use "store bought" yarn to do a pattern the first time and later will use my hand spun if I really liked the pattern.
I love my vest! The many many colors are wonderful although I did find it rather tedious to have to weave in so many different ends because of the small balls of yarn I had used to knit with.
Today I will stitch the shoulders and take a photo of my vest so that you can see the results.
Let me know what you think!
Friday, August 27, 2004
Fresh from the dye pots!

The yellow is actually a daffodil which has a faint touch of green at the tips. It is not a bright yellow daffodil, but a golden with a bit more "gold" than yellow. Think orange-yellow and you will be closer to the shade.
What looks to be pink is a shade of rose with warm undertones to it. Think a deep rose-orange.
The bright blue with touches of pink? Well, start with navy blue and move through shades of blue and include just a touch of blue-green. Add to this a touch of purple, maroon and lighten it all with a bit of dark pink!
Works of art all and they will be placed on the drying racks to await carding into rovings.
Will they stay as they are? Who can guess? I know that I cannot at this stage and they may be carded with mohair or starfire or any of another mixture of colors as well! Such fun!
No longer "blogless"
What to do? What to do? Seems everyone and their cousin has blogs and I was blogless! Yes, indeed, I was blogless in Seattle and that just would not do.
So here I am, no longer blogless, and it would seem that the best thing to do with this blog is to use it for the talking about and showing of my creations.
As a fiber artist, I am often asked about a web site and where others can go to view my work.
Oh dear, I just do not work in that manner! Many of my creations are "one of a kind" type things so to list such a showing was more than I wanted to even think about.
Perhaps here would work. Perhaps now I will be forced to get moving and thinking. Ah well, we can only hope!
At the moment, the dye pot is on the stove and when the water is hot enough, I will see what color/s I choose to work with today!
More on what comes from the dye pot later!
So here I am, no longer blogless, and it would seem that the best thing to do with this blog is to use it for the talking about and showing of my creations.
As a fiber artist, I am often asked about a web site and where others can go to view my work.
Oh dear, I just do not work in that manner! Many of my creations are "one of a kind" type things so to list such a showing was more than I wanted to even think about.
Perhaps here would work. Perhaps now I will be forced to get moving and thinking. Ah well, we can only hope!
At the moment, the dye pot is on the stove and when the water is hot enough, I will see what color/s I choose to work with today!
More on what comes from the dye pot later!