From Ewe to You

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bumble's Summer

I'm back from a month of vacations and fiber shopping and must now get down to some serious work. Fiber that I would normally have washed and processed myself is coming back from the processor ready for me to spin. I feel so lazy as half the work is done for me and I am not used to this. I send some fiber out for processing each year, but never in this amount.

My etsy store is up and running and off to a good start. Slowly, I will be switching my storefront over to mostly etsy although I will continue to use the From Ewe to You Storefront for those extra items that I would like to show but have no room for in my etsy store. I've heard that many folk don't like to click page after page, so I will have to test this out and see how many pages an etsy store will take and continue to get views on those extra pages.

For those who haven't been to Bumble's etsy store as yet, the url is:

You can always find that url easily on my web site:

The web site includes all the important urls to my various businesses and this means you don't have to hunt anything up in past email or blog pages.

I didn't get any quiviut in Alaska like I had hoped to pick up. Seems it is sold to the local coop and used for knitting/weaving up there and the finished products sold around the world. The cruise to Alaska was a wonderful experience and the husband and I enjoyed ourselves immensely. How much? Well, we both would like to do such a cruise again and the husband isn't one that likes to travel all that much. Oh, he will go, but generally only when I plan something or somewhere for us to go to.

Speaking of travel, summer is almost to an end and that means that we want to squeeze in one more trip out to Dancing Elk before fall/winter sets in. Snow comes early out there and Bumble isn't one to enjoy driving in snow--at least not in a motorhome. So, about the end of September we will be headed out for a few days. I'm itching to see my elk herd again and gather a bit of lichen. The blackberries will probably be pretty much gone by that time, but I'm hoping my cotton plants will have grown and may have some cotton bolls ready for picking. The weather gets nice and hot out at Dancing Elk and I think I got the cotton planted early enough for the plants to have had a chance to do something. We planted lots of flower seeds and vegetable seeds and it will be interesting to see what all came of all those seeds and if we got lots of flowers or vegetable plants. With our vacationing, we haven't had the chance to go out and see what came up from of all that planting.

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