From Ewe to You

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Long Time No Write

Oh my gosh!! It has been simply ages since I last posted, but sometimes life has a way of getting in the way of one's best intentions.

Between my being ill and the death of a relative, things became rather hectic. Then my computer decides to go "bytes up" and needed work done on it. I have two back up computers and they went "bytes up" as well.

Somehow, we all made it through the holidays and came out this year stronger and wiser for our efforts.

At the moment, I am sporting a virus (not a computer virus but one of the human illness type) and I thought that since all I'm good for at the moment is sitting and staring off into space that I might as well sit and stare at the computer monitor and type some words of catch up.

I have been spinning up lots of yarn and carding up batches of fiber. So far, none has made it to my storefront blog as the carded fiber seems to go pretty fast in trades with others.

I have on order a wool picker that is finished and I am awaiting shipment of it. This will make my work go faster and be much less strain on my wrists as I use a flicker to prepair each lock for the carding machine.

Well, off to take some meds and move around for a bit.

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