Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Yes, fall is in the air and it is such a delight to the senses. The crisp chill to the air that we breathe, as well as the beautiful colors that cling to the trees and encircle our feet as we walk across the forest floor.

We made our last trip out to Dancing Elk, our recreation property, late in September as the snows of winter will start in mid October in the mountains.

The blackberries were almost gone and it was almost too chilly to sit outside unless one was sitting near a campfire. The afternoon sun warmed us and we went for walks in our woods.

I gathered lots of lichen for use in dyeing and have a few new plants to spend the winter trying to identify.

The driveway onto our property wasn't ready until late summer and our motorhome wasn't ready until early fall, so we had but two short trips out to Dancing Elk this year. However, for many years in the future, we will have a wonderful place to visit and enjoy.

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